Product Promotions
If Disaster Strikes, Are You Prepared?
With the talk of WWIII on the horizon coming from everywhere, the talk of China setting off a EMP where the power grid is down for years. If that happens what are going to do? Are you prepared to be without food, water, electricty for months or years. This book shares on how to have a 4ft farm in your home to provide your family and friends with life saving items to use. Get your copy today! If it doesn't happen then you have a way to save money on food, either way you are prepared.
The Lost Super Foods Books
126 Forgotten Survival Foods That You can Stockpile for Years without Refrigeration. Have you ever wondered what foods can give you the most nutrients and have the longest shelf-life?
Inside this unique 270-page cookbook you’ll get to rediscover the lost superfoods that kept previous generations alive through the worst of times. I’m talking about world wars, famines, riots, natural disasters and any other man-made crisis you can imagine.
The Home Doctor Book - Practical Medicine for Every Household
This 304 page doctor written and approved guide on how to manage most health situations when help is not on the way. If you want to see what happens when things go south, all you have to do is look at Venezuela: no electricity, no running water, no law, no antibiotics, no painkillers, no anesthetics, no insulin or other important things. Find out how they do this...
Air Fountain - turns air into water
The “Air Fountain” employs cutting-edge technology to condense moisture from the atmosphere into clean and pure drinking water. Whether you’re in a water-scarce region, an emergency situation, or simply looking for a sustainable water source, the Air Fountain offers an ingenious solution. Buy the book to see how it can work for you...